Mat-Su Platting Regulations

Matsu Subdivision

If you would like to subdivide property in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough there are procedures and rules that must be followed.  These steps are outlined in the Borough code (links provided).  We will attempt to summarize the code in layman’s terms.

Here is an outline of the steps necessary:

Pre-application meeting

After deciding that you want to subdivide your property, you should contact the borough platting office (Platting Contact) and set up a pre-application meeting.  At the meeting, the platting officer is going to want to see a drawing showing a graphical representation of your subdivision plans.  Your surveyor should be present at this meeting, but it is not required.  Because you are going to need a surveyor to subdivide your property, you may wish to contact a surveyor before contacting the borough.  The surveyor will give you a cost estimate for the work and may give you free professional advice about your subdivision plans.

At the pre-application meeting, the platting officer will let you know if your intended subdivision is feasible.

Pre-application Meeting Code

Lot size

The size of the smallest lot you want to subdivided effects the platting process.  As the lot size gets smaller, and the number of lots increases, the process gets more complicated.  The three minimum lot sizes that can affect the platting process are 40 acres, 5 acres, and 40,000 square feet.  

There are many exceptions to these guidelines but the table below can give you a general idea of what the process will entail.

Minimum Lot Size / Max. # of Lots

Platting Process

Legal Access

Physical Access

Public Hearing

40 Acres / Any

No Plat Needed

Must Exist

Must show ability to provide


5 Acres / 4

Plat Waiver

Must Exist

Must Exist

Platting Officer

40,000 sq. ft. / 4

Abbreviated Plat

Must Exist

Must Exist

Platting Officer

40,000 sq. ft. / Any

Full Plat

Must Provide

Must provide

Platting Board



Minimum Lot Size and Buildable Area Code

Physical Access (Road Building)

For most subdivision platting the borough requires the subdivider to build a road to all of the parcels in the subdivision.  This road must be to borough construction standards.  The construction standards for the road depends on the size and number of lots.

Physical Access Code

Preliminary Plat

If you decide to move forward with the subdivision after the pre-application meeting, a preliminary plat and a plat application will be filed.  The preliminary plat is a map showing the intended platting action.  This map is reviewed and commented on by public entities (utility companies, fire, borough, etc.)  After all of the comments have been addressed and the public has had input then the final plat can be completed.

Preliminary Plat Code

Public Notice and Hearing

All subdivision actions (except 40 Acre Exemption) require public input. The two steps for public input are public notice and public hearing.  Public notice involves putting an ad in the newspaper and mailing notices to adjoining and nearby owners.  The number of owners that need to receive notice depends on the type of platting action.  After the public notice, a public hearing is held.  The public hearing is held by the platting board or by a platting officer.  At this meeting the public will have a chance to comment on your intended subdivision.

Public Notice Code

Abbreviated Plat

An abbreviated plat may be filed for lot line adjustments and for subdivisions with 4 or less lots.  An abbreviated plat cannot alter existing rights-of-way.

Abbreviated Plat Code


Platting Fees

Here is a list of the Mat-Su borough platting fees:

Platting Fees


Link to survey services


You probably need a surveyor if you need to know exactly where something is or should be. Fixed Height Surveys can help you with any of your land survey needs.

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Fixed Height Surveys is a geospatial services company based in Anchorage, AK. We acquire, package and deliver spatial data (that is a fancy way of saying, “We can do a good survey for you.”) Whether you are putting in a new driveway or building a highway, we can help you get there.




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