Alissa Pempek, PLS

Alissa Pempek


Alissa is a Professional Land Surveyor and a lifelong Alaskan.  After growing up in Southeast she moved to Anchorage to attend the University of Alaska Anchorage.  She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Geomatics with an emphasis in Geographic Information Systems from UAA in 2005.  She has worked in the field and in the office with several Surveying/Engineering firms in Alaska and the lower 48 and has dealt extensively with ROW, platting, and topographic mapping.




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You probably need a surveyor if you need to know exactly where something is or should be. Fixed Height Surveys can help you with any of your land survey needs.

About Us

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Fixed Height Surveys is a geospatial services company based in Anchorage, AK. We acquire, package and deliver spatial data (that is a fancy way of saying, “We can do a good survey for you.”) Whether you are putting in a new driveway or building a highway, we can help you get there.